There is much change afoot. After 24 years I am closing my Cincinnati office. It’s been wonderful to work with everyone in person though I’ve only been in the Cincinnati office 4 times in almost 2 years. I will continue to available by Zoom, phone or FaceTime. Keep in mind […]
Victoria Wilson-Jones
When we think of a person who cares for his or her body with nurturing self awareness, we think of an individual who is responsible, even sophisticated. Eating well, choosing healthy foods, exercising, spending time in nature, drinking water, meditating getting enough sleep. Even including experiencing enough close social time […]
This year, as a spiritual educator, I will be encouraging and assisting those I work with in opening to and developing their strategies for self-empowerment. I will be encouraging and supportive of change. My heart, mind and soul will be present as I walk this world. I will be a […]
November 11, 2002 At the approach of each New Year, I take stock of the year just past and look at what I feel is in store for the next. I recently moved from my office in a lovely Cape Cod style home (converted to executive office suites) where I […]
It has been less that two weeks since I returned from Italy. The experiences continues to blossom within me, subtly and profoundly altering my perception. I find it isn’t just my sense of the world that has changed, it is a shift at a deep core level of my being. […]
In these times of turbulence, change, and chaos, it is easy to want to oversimplify, to search for easy answers to life’s challenges. As a spiritual counselor, I find all too often, that the first place people go when they have an illness is self blame. They wonder what they […]
Christmas has come and gone, as has New Years day. Life settles back into a known and not unwelcome routine. I wonder if this year the anniversary date will pass me by, without its dark invitation. I wonder, because I do not have a specific date for the anniversary I […]
In an interview with Dr. Veronika Tracy-Smith, Victoria discusses the creation of a balanced spiritual life.
I began planning this trip a year ago, and here we are sitting outside the Hotel Vajra in Katmandu, Nepal. There is an air of excitement all around us. We are here at festival time and the beautiful old brick walls surrounding the hotel are vine and flower strung. The […]
Affirmations are powerful tools that can help you hold a more relaxed and successful focus. We all have internal dialogue, and most of the time. We are simply so used to it that we don’t recognize it as the self talk that it is. If your inner dialogue is self-defeating, […]